Managing Your Pet's Separation Anxiety - KiiOui Pet Store

Managing Your Pet's Separation Anxiety

What is Separation Anxiety?

Separation anxiety in pets refers to a condition where a pet experiences excessive distress and behavioral problems when separated from its owner or primary caregiver. This can manifest in a variety of ways, such as barking, whining, chewing, digging, urinating or defecating inside the home, or trying to escape. This behavior is thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, including early life experiences, lack of socialization and exposure to different people, places and things, as well as changes in the pet's routine or environment.

As pet owners, we all know how much our furry friends mean to us. They are more than just animals, they are members of our family and bring so much joy and love into our lives. However, when they suffer from separation anxiety, it can be difficult to manage and can cause distress for both the pet and the owner. Separation anxiety is a common issue among pets, but it can be managed with patience, persistence, and the right approach. In this blog post, we will discuss tips on how to manage your pet’s separation anxiety and help them feel more comfortable and relaxed when you are away from home.

What are the signs of Separation Anxiety?

Urinating and Defecating
Some dogs urinate or defecate when left alone or separated from their guardians. If a dog urinates or defecates in the presence of his guardian, his house soiling probably isn’t caused by separation anxiety.

Barking and Howling
A dog who has separation anxiety might bark or howl when left alone or when separated from his guardian. This kind of barking or howling is persistent and doesn’t seem to be triggered by anything except being left alone.

Chewing, Digging and Destruction
Some dogs with separation anxiety chew on objects, door frames or window sills, dig at doors and doorways, or destroy household objects when left alone or separated from their guardians. These behaviors can result in self-injury, such as broken teeth, cut and scraped paws and damaged nails. If a dog’s chewing, digging and destruction are caused by separation anxiety, they don’t usually occur in his guardian’s presence.

A dog with separation anxiety might try to escape from an area where he’s confined when he’s left alone or separated from his guardian. The dog might attempt to dig and chew through doors or windows, which could result in self-injury, such as broken teeth, cut and scraped front paws and damaged nails. If the dog’s escape behavior is caused by separation anxiety, it doesn’t occur when his guardian is present.

Some dogs walk or trot along a specific path in a fixed pattern when left alone or separated from their guardians. Some pacing dogs move around in circular patterns, while others walk back and forth in straight lines. If a dog’s pacing behavior is caused by separation anxiety, it usually doesn’t occur when his guardian is present.

When left alone or separated from their guardians, some dogs defecate and then consume all or some of their excrement. If a dog eats excrement because of separation anxiety, he probably doesn’t perform that behavior in the presence of his guardian.

Other signs to look for:

  • Whining, pacing or trembling
  • Drooling and panting
  • Not eating their food or treats

How do I manage my pets Separation Anxiety? 

  • Gradual Desensitization: Start by gradually increasing the amount of time your pet is left alone. Start with short periods, such as 5 minutes, and gradually increase the time. This will help your pet get used to being alone and help them feel more comfortable.

  • Create a Comfortable Environment: Ensure that your pet has a comfortable and safe place to stay when you are not home. This could be a cozy bed or a familiar blanket. A room with plenty of light and fresh air is ideal.

  • Provide Distractions: To help your pet relax, provide them with toys, chews, or a puzzle feeder. This will give them something to do and will help them stay calm.

  • Positive Reinforcement: When you return home, greet your pet with a lot of love and affection. Reward them with treats or special toys. This will help them associate your absence with positive experiences.

  • Exercise: Regular exercise is important for all pets, especially those with separation anxiety. Taking your pet for a walk or playing with them before leaving the house will help them burn off some energy and calm down.

  • Consult with a Veterinarian: If your pet's separation anxiety is severe, it may be necessary to consult with a veterinarian. They can prescribe medication or recommend a behaviorist to help manage the anxiety.

  • Seek Professional Help: If your pet’s separation anxiety is not improving, it is important to seek professional help. A professional pet behaviorist can help you and your pet work through the anxiety and find a solution that works for both of you.

What dog breeds are more prone to Separation Anxiety? 

Dogs that are prone to separation anxiety are typically those that were poorly socialized as puppies, have a strong attachment to their owner, have a history of being abandoned or re-homed, and certain breeds such as Labradors, Golden Retrievers, and German Shepherds. However, any dog can develop separation anxiety, regardless of breed, age, or sex.


Managing your pet’s separation anxiety can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, you can help them feel more comfortable and relaxed when you are away from home. Remember, it is important to be patient and persistent, and to seek professional help if necessary. With a little love and effort, your pet will be back to their happy, relaxed self in no time.

Dog Separation Anxiety, How to Stop,, 

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